About Us

Over one hundred years ago, dedicated people were impressed to embark on a unique mission of creating a school for the greater Grand Rapids area that would educate the whole child. They believed in “the harmonious development of the mental, physical, spiritual and social powers.” Character development would be a priority. The founders of Grand Rapids Adventist Academy (GRAA) desired that their students enter to learn and depart to serve.

In 1904, one of those concerned Christians, Cyrus Clark, facilitated the school by pitching a tent in his backyard and later moving the school to his workshop when the weather turned cold. Since then the school has been in several locations until 1980 when the present building was purchased from the public school system. In 2008 a high school addition was completed to the south of the original building.

Today, just as in 1904, GRAA is here to provide for the mental, physical, spiritual and social needs of Christian young people. Its program has expanded to include a full K-12 educational program. By integrating historic Seventh-day Adventist Bible teachings into all academic areas, the staff endeavors to lead young people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to prepare them for a life of service here on earth.

Every student entrusted in our care is a gift of God to be educated for both life and eternity.


Grand Rapids Adventist Academy is a K-12 day academy that serves the greater West Michigan area. By integrating historic Seventh-day Adventist Bible teachings into all academic areas, the staff endeavors to lead young people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ while instilling an appreciation of the Adventist lifestyle and preparing them for a life of service here on earth.


Grand Rapids Adventist Academy operates as a co-educational K-12 day academy by authority of the Michigan Conference, Lake Union, and North American Division of Seventh-day Adventist as well as the state of Michigan.

GRAA has six SDA constituent churches:


  • To present Jesus Christ as a personal Savior whom youth can know and relate to on a personal level.

  • To teach values such as honesty, forgiveness, kindness, respect, and cooperation.

  • To teach Bible truths such as the creation week, the Sabbath, redeeming grace, stewardship, healthful living, prophetic guidance, the gospel commission, and Jesus’ second coming.                                             


Few decisions are as important—and potentially life-changing—as choosing a school for your children. In this video you will learn some of the history of Adventist Christian education. Hear from some of our committed Christian teachers and see how Adventist Christian education provides a quality academic experience in a caring Christian environment.